Personal Faith & Your Meditation

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The beautiful thing about meditation is that you can bring your personal religious or non-religious faith into your morning meditation, and thus deepen your connection or conscious contact with what you believe in.

Having taught yoga for over 15 years, I have had students in my class from almost every Faith imaginable. There is something beautiful about the way that we can all come together at the beginning of a class, clear our chaotic minds, and become still enough to hear the truth. For some that truth might be the word of God: I’ve taught many Christians who bring verses or phrases from the bible into their meditation. In other instances, I’ve taught Zen Buddists, who prefer to just become quiet and observe the inner working of their mind. As a teacher, I’ve learned to have great respect for anyone who dedicates his or herself to a Faith – no matter which Faith.

Prayer and meditation is common to almost every Faith, religion and philosophy. No matter the disparity, each Faith helps their believers to foster a deeper connection with a power greater than themselves. This power might be God, Spirit, Buddha, or just pure consciousness. There are many paths, each equally valuable when the practitioner connects to the greatest commonality, which is love.



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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

