One Action A Week – Just One!

One Action A Week
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Getting fit and healthy can be incredibly overwhelming right? There’s just SO much to do – not to mention the utterly confusing/conflicting nature of all the “health” advice that spewed into our in boxes everyday.  So, I wanted to make this very simple for you with my  “One-A-Week” campaign for the next 30 days.

We kick off Monday June 22nd! Sign up here to join the challenge, where you can invite a family member or friend do it with you – SO much easier when you have someone to cheer you on.

Whether you’ve done my Gorgeous For Good 30-day program or not, this will work perfectly for you. If you’ve done the 30-day program, it will give you a chance to dig deeper and further explore areas in which you may need a little help/motivation, and if you haven’t yet done my program, this will serve as a useful primer.

We are going to focus on just one action per week for one month. So, that 4 life-changes in all. Changes that will absolutely have you look better, feel better, and most importantly have you on a surer footing to optimum health. Wanna know what they are?

Next week it’s Eliminate Dairy Week, then we move onto Eliminate Meat Week, Eliminate Alcohol Week, and finally we’re going to Eliminate Sugar. You can do anything for one week that you might not be able to do for a year (or even a month), so I’m excited to present this challenge to you. Keep your eyes open this week for a Sign-up-for-the-challenge email, where I’m going to encourage you to invite your family and friends to join.

We’ll be digging deep into each Elimination Challenge, so buckle your seat belt, and prepare to feel 100% better!!


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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.