Every Monday, I’m going to pick an outstanding Green product or blog about something that might interest all you eco-moms. Today it’s this innovative cardboard furnitue by Green Lullaby. It makes so much sense when you’re figuring out how to create a non-toxic baby/kid’s room as it’s hard to find inexpensive furniture that you can trust to be safe. A lot of kid’s furniture is made out of particle board, which typically contains and off-gasses formaldehye, which is pretty toxic. This adorable furniture is made from recycled corrugated cardboard, which is obviously recyclable. It’s really sturdy and contains a unique non-toxic fire
retardant. Given the fact that my daughter scribbled and totally de-faced much of that baby furniture I bought her (at great expensense), I wish I had known about this when she was toddling around with fistfuls of permanent markers looking to do some serious damage. While we’re on the subject of markers, do make sure that you get a selection of non-toxic permanent markers for you and your kids.

Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.