Welcome to The Gorgeously Green Diet. It’s more of a “live -it” than a “diet” because rather than denying yourself the foods that you love, I invite you to celebrate good food as being one of the greatest enjoyments of life. Denial never ever works – talk to any serial dieter! Even weight-loss diets that promise you’ll lose 30 pounds in 30 days, don’t work long term because all that weight will eventually creep back on – as soon as you take your eye off the ball. The G.G. diet is primarily sustainable – once you get the hang of the eating plans, it’s an easy switch and one that will work for everyone’s lifestyle, regardless of your circumstances. I particularly wanted this diet and lifestyle to be doable for those of us who are seriously time and budget challenged – so if that’s you and if you are passionate about taking care of yourself as well as the planet, grab a copy and let us know how you get on.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.
what is the diet
The Gorgeously Green Diet is my latest book. It’s a full-on diet/lifestyle that will help you get healthier one step at a time. It includes 3 eating plans, 100 recipes and tips galore.
I had a wake up call with my mother, who has been suffering from uterine fibroids. Her doctor wanted surgery, but we voted against. We went to a natural doctor and she gave us such wealth information. It was enough for me.
I looked and looked for books; and this book basically summarizes what the natural doctor recommended for my mother. It is amazing; how easy!
Now, we have started supporting our local farmers. What’s in it for me? I’d say the health of my family!
I am debating to have my 3 inch fibroid removed or to shrink my fibroid with herbal supplements and herbal tea. Basicaly by detoxing my system and balancing out my horomones and eating non-toxic food. I don’t have the symptoms of a fibroid (yet). I just told my OB/GYN how I am getting very irregular and often skip one month and she had me get an ultrasound. And there it was! Fibroids run in my family (genetics) so I am sure I will get another one or two (or three). Does anyone in the Gorgeoulsy Green community have any suggestions? The only source I found online is at http://BotanicalHealth.com