GMO means: GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISM. It basically means that the the seed, as nature intended it to be, has been messed with! Whenever possible, I choose not to eat GMO foods. They have only been around since the 1990’s and there has been insufficient testing on their long term health effects. The annoying thing is that genetically altered foods are not labeled in the U.S. We do know that one quarter of all agricultural land in the U.S. now grows GMO crops, so it likely shows up in virtually every processed food you buy. If you want to avoid being a guinea pig in this mass human experiment, it’s best to only eat foods that have the USDA Organic Stamp on them: by definition this means that the food must not be genetically modified. So another its another great reason to buy organic food whenever you can.
GMO – What Does It Mean

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.
I was surfing Edan’s website regarding what they offer and their belief in macrobiotics. They wouldn’t have their food labeled the USDA organic because they don’t feel that those standards aren’t sufficient enough. Do you know if they are a safe choice for food products.
You know, there are some companies/people that are super nit picky about the standards, however, the USDA is a very good regulator for now and frankly, it’s the only National labeling system that is firmly in place. The only way you can guarantee 100% that you are getting what you want, is to get involved with a local farmer or coop and that way you become a participant in how your food is produced.