One FAQ I get is: “Can I afford to eat organic food?”. The answer is yes, if you follow these guidelines:
– Try to buy cereals, grains, rice etc from the bulk bins.
– Buy organic when it counts the most: berries, green beans, tomatoes, potatoes, grapes, raisins, spinach and apples are most heavily sprayed with pesticides.
– Base your meals on cheaper staples like rice, beans and grains.
– Cut coupons from free magazines at health food stores.
– Join a food coop or buying club.
– Eat less meat
– Only buy produce that is in season.
Remember that the extra cost is worth the long term health benefits. Organically grown food contains a more of the valuable nutrients that you need to help you stay healthy and gorgeous for years to come.
If you live near a whole foods market than you can afford organic. They have their own brand called 365. Most 365 items are the same price if not less expensive than most conventional brands at your local supermarket. Items range from food, body care and cleaning supplies. My home is filled with 365 products.