Feel Great In Your Swimsuit Plan!!

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I hate it at this time of year when all I can see at the grocery store checkout is magazine covers promoting a fast track to “Bikini Body” or “Flat Abs.” Yep – it’s bikini body season, and the headlines are coming in strong. But, the reason I strongly dislike all this messaging is that it not only shames women who will never have flat abs, but it also sets us up to fail.

I like to shift the focus away from weight-loss to health. Now, many of you may think that’s all very well for me because I am petite. True, I have petite genes (family are tiny), and I was raised on a diet of healthy whole foods, however,  it takes a great deal of discipline and support to stay healthy and strong as I get older. I buddies and a strong support system to inspire me to stay in the game. So my first tip in starting your  “Feel Great In Your Swimsuit Plan” is to get yourself a buddy, or a support group of friends who will do it with you.

The benefit of support group (I recommend a group text), is that when one of you weakens, the others hold that person up. You also become more accountable for your actions, and you don’t want to let the others down.

So, if you are you are up for trying my super simple plan, grab, tag, text or call a buddy. I suggest book ending your day with your buddy: In the am you text him/her and check they are up for the plan for that day, and in the pm you check in to see how you have both done. This simple act is powerful, and will keep you both accountable.

So without further ado, the plan is simple – for 30 days:

  1. Avoid all refined sugar
  2. Avoid processed white foods, and white potatoes
  3. Eat only healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts and seeds.
  4. 15 minutes of challenging exercise daily (see my You Tube video).

For details of exactly what this entails (cos I know you have a bunch of questions), download my printable cheat sheet, and stick it on your fridge.

I am thrilled that you’ll be joining me on this fun journey – Let me know how you get on….


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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

