Exercise and Breast Cancer Prevention

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Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day can lower breast cancer rates significantly. It’s a fun and free way to make sure you are participating in your preventative healthcare on a daily basis. And, the even better news is that rigorous exercise (as opposed to moderate), might further lower your risk.

So what do these studies mean by moderate exercise? A short walk with your dog is not moderate exercise – sorry guys! Moderate exercise means raising your heart rate and breaking a sweat. For some this might mean an uphill hike (fast) or a bicycle ride on an incline, and for others it might be a full on run or kettle bell workout.

Rigorous exercise is where you challenge yourself to go beyond your comfort zone – it’s where you “train” – meaning that you do more than you could do yesterday or last week. Rigorous exercise should only be undertaken if you are healthy and strong enough to handle it.

But, know that you can make the transition from moderate to rigorous over a few months: Just slowly work on your cardio, strength, balance, and you will soon (providing you have no physical limitations), be right up there in the “rigorous” category.

Either way, every woman, regardless of her age, weight, and circumstances should do a minimum of 30 minutes exercise a day – get on your running shoes now!

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

