DIY Yoga Mat Spray

DIY Yoga Mat Spray
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Ewwww – I went to yoga class yesterday and forgot my mat so had to borrow one of their stinky mats! I was grossed out because everyone seemed to be coughing, and sneezing and the man next to me was huffing and puffing so heavily that a pool of yucky sweat formed around his mat – and to think my mat was probably used hours before by someone like him – okay, class kind of ruined! And I’d also run out of my precious yoga mat spray, which I normally keep in the bottom of my yoga mat bag – so time to make some more, and suggest you do the same.Even if you don’t borrow mats, it’s a good idea to spritz your mat each time before and after you use it because cleaning a yoga mat (as in the washer) is a nasty business – have you noticed how long they take to dry?You can also use this spray at the gym or pilates class. Simply spritz the machines, equipment and weights before you use them. It will de-germ everything in sight!

DIY Yoga Mat Spray



Mix all your ingredients together and pour into the sprayer. When not using, keep in a cook, dark place – the bottom of a yoga or gym bag is fine.



Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

