You've reached the end of your rope. You've tried everything to lose weight and improve your health ... and nothing has worked for you long term.
You're no longer willing to go another week without fixing your problem once and for all ... and getting an expert mentor to help you do so.
You're 100% committed to a lifestyle overhaul because you're at a stage in your life where you know that it's now or never!

You want quick and easy dietary tweaks.
You're looking for nutritional advice.*
You have quick-fire, specific questions related to health and nutrition.*
*Sophie cannot provide quick “nutritional” fixes or advice on this call. The Breakthrough Session is about diving deep to discover the real issues underneath your current struggles. If you are looking for weight loss and nutrition tips, please join Sophie’s private Facebook Group Healthy Living & Weight Loss For Women Over 40 where you’ll find lots of support and inspiration from like-minded women.
I am so incredibly thankful that I took a chance and set up a call with Sophie. I remember how defeated I felt at that time. I was completely spent both emotionally and physically. That one call has changed my life! I have learned so much about who I am and what makes my heart sing.
Working with Coach Sophie has been an incredible and life changing experience. Sophie has an undeniable talent and passion for her work, and it shows up in results for her clients! Sophie is incredibly knowledgeable, and makes the information and action steps attainable, I saw results in the very first week!