A gorgeous blue silk, off-the-shoulder gown was unveiled at the Global Green 7th annual pre-oscar party on wednesday night. The gown will be worn by Suzy Cameron, wife of James Cameron, who is in the spotlight for his incredible movie, Avatar. Suzy Cameron created a design contest for an eco-friendly red-carpet gown, and 21 year-old Michigan State University Senior, Jillian Granz won. We can all cozy up on our couches sunday night and get a glimpse of the flowing gown, which is made of Peace Silk. James Cameron is a hard-core environmentalist who made an empassioned speech at the party, where he called for a mobilization on a scale equal to that of World War Two, in our effort to fight climate change. Lot of fabulous stars walked the Global Green red carpet, including Jessica Alba and tennis star Serena Williams. Over drinks and social chit-chat, the overwhelming feeling was that of a deepening committment by all present, to really step up to the plate and do his/her part.
Avatar Blue Eco-Friendly Oscar Gown

Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.