4 Tips for Post-Workout Recovery

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We all know that half the struggle is getting to the gym, but the other half is what to do after you leave! As much as I love the post-workout muscle fatigue, because it tells my body that it just put in some serious work, the total body pain the next day is the worst. So I’ve put together my four tips for post-workout recovery – These tips will help you make the most of your workout, and help you be ready for the next big sweat session!


  1. HYDRATE. Dehydration is the bane of every workout enthusiast. My recommendation is to drink at least 20 – 24oz of water for every hour you workout (and remember – drink at least half your body weight in ounces eat day).
  2. PROTEIN. You need to replenish your body after working out – And protein is the best way to do it. I love a good protein shake, or a quinoa bowl, but even a handful of almonds is good in a pitch. By giving your body nutrients after a workout, you’re helping repair muscles and flush fat!
  3. COMPRESSION. Foam rollers are your post-workout BFF. A massage or a few minutes on a foam roller helps you workout inflammatory and soreness-generating fluids from your muscles.
  4. TOPICAL OINTMENTS. I love Weleda’s Arnica Massage Oil after a good workout. This warming oil helps ease muscle pain and boost recovery, while nourishing and hydrating your skin. I always have it in my gym bag!

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

