As part of your plan in the Gorgeously Green Diet, I recommend that you walk, and I mean really walk, for an absolute minimum of 10 mins a day. I suggest doing your exercise in increments of time – 10 mins here and 10 mins there is doable for just about everyone. If you are now commited to walking, you’ll need to find a really good pair of shoes. There is nothing worse for your joints and posture to wear a worn-out/ill-fitting pair of tennis shoes. The best walking shoe (not hiking up hills, but street walking) are in my humble opinion, MBT shoes. Also known as the “anti-shoe” they provide exceptional support, help you to find and maintain your perfect posture and by way of the rolling action built into the soles, work your leg muscles 40% harder than regular shoes. They are manufactured in a socially responsible manner and all in all, are a fantastic company. They’re on the pricey side, but I see them as an excellent investment in your health and fitness – less than a year’s gym membership and they’re so sturdily put together, that they’ll last much longer than your average tennis shoes. Check out their website to see some of the cute summer sandal styles. Once you’ve walked in a pair of these shoes, there’s honestly no going back!

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.
I have these shoes…I got mine least year for Christmas…they are nearly as “attractive” looking as the ones in this picture, but I absolutely LOVE THEM! I will ask for another pair this year ; ) I walk several miles a day. I used to bike about 25 miles a day but 2yrs ago was hit by a 17 year old “car” driver who was paying attention to his ipod instead of driving. Luckily, my helmet saved my life and my leg is now reconstructed w/a rod & screws…but walking is the exercise for me! These shoes are a wonderfu “shock” absorber that make it so much easier on my knee & ankle. Great product!