Remember that every green purchase you make is a powerful purchase. You vote with your dollars. Each time to choose to buy an item that has a positive rather than a negative impact on the environment, you send a strong message out there. Understandably, we’re all looking for bargains rather than eco-friendly products in this hopefully brief economic
downturn, however, it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg to shop with a conscience. Just walk into your local Walgreens and you’ll find the excellent Perf Go Green trash bags (pictured), a selection of non-toxic Burt’s Bee’s skin care products for you and your kids and even an adorable cosmetic brush set called Eco-Tools. If you’re agonizing over which foods you can still afford to buy organic, consider the items you consume the most of and check out the latest list issued by the Environmental working group. I recommend making sure your milk is organic and the following 12 produce items, as they have been found to be the most heavily contaminated with pesticides:
- Peach
- Apple
- Bell Pepper
- Celery
- Nectarines
- Strawberries
- Cherries
- Kale
- Lettuce
- Imported Grapes
- Carrot
- Pear
good to know you can be green and save money. i love burt’s bees products. i use their chapstick religiously. is perf go green sold at stores other than walgreens?
I couldn’t agree more. We forget this and it good to be reminded.
I just bought the burts bees lip balm yesterday, And I love it!!