My heart was racing as I watched the CNN Special Investigation into toxic chemicals, anchored by Dr Sanjay Gupta. What
a right old mess we’ve all got ourselves into. In such an incredibly short time – literally 60 years is a very short time, a blip in history – we’re now living in a world where most of us don’t have access to clean air, food or water! When I started researching this issue almost ten years ago, the deeper I delved, the more appalled I became. The average woman is exposed to 200+ potentially toxic chemicals before she’s even left the house in the morning. I was particularly concerned when I was newly pregnant and wanted to make sure that my unborn baby was as safe as could be. Awareness about toxic products was not what it is today, and I had to comb my way through acres of peer reviewed articles and papers in an attempt to get some sound facts on the table. One thing I understood perfectly was that toxic chemicals could pass through the placenta and harm an unborn baby.
My first mission was to try to stop my very nice next-door-neighbor from spraying his gorgeous rose garden with pesticides. He’d get so crazy with his spray gun, that I could see the spray wafting over into my yard, which being as heavy and tired as I was (in the heat of summer), I rather liked to lie out in. He clearly thought I was a nutty, crystal-swinging hippie when I explained the dangers – his eyes glazed over and I knew he was thinking “I can see your mouth moving, but I’m not listening ..lal lal la”. The spraying continued, so I shut my windows and doors and cranked the A/C.
We’re now beginning to understand that pesticides are just one of a long list of chemicals that we need to be wary of. With over 80000 chemicals out there, and only 200 having been tested for safety, we’re guinea pigs really. They may be safe, but then again – what if they’re not? The truth of the matter is – we just don’t know! I try not to take health danger risks when it comes to my family.
One of the worst environmental tragedies in recent years was that of the “Love Canal” in New York. The truth is that many of us could actually have a mini Love Canal is our own homes and backyards. I strongly suggest that you start weeding out any pesticides and harmful cleaning products that you may still have. You know that acrid smell when you walk down the cleaning or pesticide aisle in your grocery/hardware store? That’s what we’re tying to avoid big time. So take some simple steps to minimize your household exposure, and even check out your local air quality for pollutants.
Finally, do yourself a favor and grab a copy of DO IT GORGEOUSLY – you’ll pay for the book from the savings from making just a couple of the cleaners, never mind the skin care products!
You deserve to have a beautiful non-toxic home and it’s easier and simpler than you think to create one.