There is a huge silver lining to economic downturn and that is that our planet is breathing a sigh of relief as we’ve had to stop consuming unconsciously. Many of us have had to reconfigure our lives to fit our newly tight budgets and in the process have had to become extremely resouceful. Getting creative to save a few dollars here and there, makes a difference and not just to your pocketbook – whether it’s washing your car by hand (Lucky Earth waterless car wash is the bomb!), growing your own veggies, darning a sock, or deciding to cook at home rather than stop at the drive thru, you are using less water, less packaging, less energy and of course, less money. This week, I made a stuffed animal (a little bear) out of a moth-eaten cashmere sweater for a friend’s baby shower (now my daughter and all her friends want to make one), and I visited Hand Me Downs, where I found a free bicycle for my daughter – yessssss free!!! So think twice about whipping out your wallet and know that by Doing it Yourself, you’re doing it gorgeously.

Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.