Have you heard about the nasty linings lurking in the ubiquitous SIGG bottle? I’ve blogged about it before, but now SIGG have finally admitted that any of their bottles manufactured before August 2008, have a lining that contains Bisphenol-A (BPA) – the very thing that most of us are trying to avoid. You can now take back a bottle that you bought before August 08 to any major manufacturer and they should exchange it for a new one. Don’t freak out though – BPA is a known hormone disruptor, but it’s not life-threatening. It’s sobering to realize that it’s in many containers – not just SIGG bottles. The lining of most cans, unless otherwise stated by the company, also contains BPA. Eden Foods, is one of the few U.S. companies that eschews the use of these cheaper linings. I’ve always been a fan of transparent bottles anyway. I like to see my water and also want to know that the bottle is really clean (impossible to tell with a SIGG). I personally love the Camelbak bottles and the LifeSource water clear bottles, which have a wonderfully wide opening. So save your health, your money and the planet, by investing in some good BPA-free bottles and a LifeSource Whole House Water System.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.
While I don’t own a SIGG bottle, I can’t stand the top on the Camelbak bottles or any other that has anything other than a screw top. I use an aluminum (I know it’s bad) but it has a simple screw top that is easy to drink from. If I can find a good plastic bottle with just a plain top I will switch.
I have just added the LifeSource water bottles to the post Kitty. They’re really great – especially if you don’t like the sucking straw thing on the Camelbak.
Thanks for putting the link out here! I will have to try this one.
Is there a list of the major manufacturers that will exchange SIGG bottles? I ordered bottles for my entire family 18 months ago thinking that I was protecting them from BPA! I would love to give them the new generation of bottles. Thanks.
I think the Camelbak BPA Free Better Bottle is a good choice to make when looking for a strong and easy to handle water bottle. It suits me when I go camping.