zumbundle2For many of us, we’ll face the usual summer challenge of chlorine in swimming pools. It can be really irritating to asthma sufferers or those with chemical sensitivities and is also extremely drying for your skin and hair. I recommend showering-off really well when you get out of the pool. Ideally you will have installed a chlorine-removing shower filter in your home. I like the Rainshow’r best. If not, now would be a good time! I also recommend the fantastic Zum Bar for soaping off all that pool chlorine. These stunning soaps are handmade from goat’s milk. herbs and pure essential oils. They leave your skin fully moisturized and if you need a bit of heavy duty hydration, grab a tin of Zum Rub while you’re at it. You can use it for just about anything, from cuticles to sunburn to a soothing finish for a bikini wax. The frankincense & myrrh scent is sublime.zumrub-frankincensemyrrh-moisturizer

1 thought on “ZUM’S THE WORD”

  1. Just wanted to let everyone know about a great Canadian company called Rocky Mountain Soap Company. It’s based out of Canmore, Alberta. We have been using their products for a few years now and are loving it!

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