Ooooh, I am so thrilled to be armed with my Narcissist Stick by W3ll People in time for my up-coming trip!
It’s a stick foundation that stands head-and-shoulders above the rest. I really don’t want to have to pack bottles of foundation or mineral powders that can either crack or get over everything. A stick is just what the doctor ordered – especially a flawless foundation, which is also a skin treat!
The Narcissist Stick Foundation is what many of you have been on the hunt for: It’s a creamy stick that you can either apply with your fingers or a brush. It softly melts onto your skin, leaving a natural, dewy and soft finish. It’s genius because it’s truly natural and 60% organic – containing nutrients to help your skin glow: reishi mushroom, pomegranate, green tea and bayberry. If there’s one makeup item that you need to be pure, it should be your foundation because you likely wear it daily, and it covers a large area of your skin (the largest organ in your body).
I’m thrilled to offer this stick on Open Sky (Deal is on for this Friday 27th), and I persuaded them to bundle it with the Nudist Lip Shine Stick. Why? Because when I first meet W3ll People 3 years ago, I got one of these lip colors (the color #7 that you are getting in your bundle) and fell in love with it because its so thick and creamy. I remember standing in line at a local beauty supply store and 2 women asked me what lip color I was wearing! It was my go-to W3ll People Nudist, which I now can’t live without.
So, don’t miss this opportunity to grab yourself some make up from the experts at W3ll People who say their products are “Hippie-tested & diva-approved.”
Let me offer a little tip or trick here: If you can, I highly recommend you get the Narcissist Shade that you think you are, and then get one shade lighter too. If you have these two shades, you can not only blend them to the perfect shade, but you can also use the lighter one for under your eyes, and down the bridge of your nose and your chin (to highlight). I have #’s 3 and 5, which is utter perfection. If you’re only going to get one stick, don’t worry too much about the shade because the colors are more flexible than any other foundation I’ve ever tried.
We love you Sophie! Thank you for reviewing our Narcissist Foundation + Concealer Stick. We know your gorgeously green lovelies will enjoy this creamy goodness too. It’s all natural and in a 60% organic base!