We’re giving away 2 sets of Sustainable Youth Products (the whole Total Performance Youth Regime), each set worth $225! I love the philosophy of this company and their unique products. Leave us a comment here on the topic “SUSTAINABILITY” and we’ll pick 2 winners at the end of the week.
It says in the dictionary that “sustainable” means able to be maintained at a certain rate or level. This to me says that if we are going to conserve an ecological balance then we need organization. For me on a personal level, I find being organized hard. However, if I am to fulfill all my desires of living in healthy planet and being self sufficient then I need to step it up! Organization – here I come!
Sustainability is all about balance in our world. I think that having balance in your life is essential. By keeping our natural resources in tact, we are helping to keep our health and lives in tact.
I believe sustainability is completely personal in how it is attained and accomplished. You need to think about your current way of life and try to figure out which ways you can incorporate the green way of thinking without compromising your current happiness so that you can stick with it in the long haul. I believe it is a personal choice as some people are able to live very simply, very successfully. While it is difficult for others to start recycling. : )
I’ve read sustainability defined as the capacity to endure. I love this interpretation of the word for its simplicity. Nothing on this earth stands alone and we are all connected. With every choice we make, we must consider the impact to ourselves and our world. No matter how small the choice or the effort, there is a line of sight to the greater good. It is an empowering feeling knowing each of us can influence what endures.
As people we need to make the effort to meet the needs of the ourselves without compromising the ability of our future generations so that they are able to meet their own needs.
Sustainability is central to creating a beautiful, peaceful, long-lasting world. Seeking and investing in products that are made to last is one way to advocate sustainability. It is also a goal we can achieve internally when we make choices and live out of a core of awareness for the rest of the universe and its inhabitants.
This looks awesome! I love natural products and love trying new companies as well.
We need to think of the future by using products today that will allow for a healthy future
I love the idea of using sustainable products that sustain a healthy body and lifestyle! It’s a win – win situation!!!
Sustainability defines the natural, unending cycle of healthy, balanced living. All systems consume, contribute, and renew while maintaining for the future all the good which came before.
Sustainability to me means improving the way we live. Improving our relationship with the environment which in turn will improve our well-being. Living sustainably means every little positive change you make will give mother earth a chance to breath. We can endure, we can change, we can love our world!
Sustainability is a topic near and dear to me this morning. I got the email with this link just as I came home from spening an hour with the administration at my kids school talking about the sustainability of the PTO/PTA organization. Ensuring sustainability in all areas ensures that we will still be here with the energy to do what we love!!
I think sustainability is possible if people are willing to make the effort – the problem is that as a whole, our society is LAZY. My dream is to create a sustainable community near my hometown (high desert in CA) where we don’t create anything that can’t be used and use what we have to create. I want people to be willing to share and give and live off of each other (because they want to not because the gov’t is forcing them to) and for us to learn new techniques and ways to go about farming, clothes making, transportation, irrigation….you name it. I know it’s a huge aspiration so for now I try to make these ideas work in my own every day life and for people around me, but if I can get the grants written and the people here excited and committed, I would love to see it become a reality. I want to SUSTAIN what we have so that my granddaughter will know a full life on this earth that was created for her life before Heaven someday!
Youth comes from within, outward glow comes from taking care of that youthful yet responsible “you” from the inside out, and from the outside in!
Sustainability to me is a pivotal concept. Without it, our world and plannet stand to continue suffering. With it comes great advancements in returning to the way things used to be done. To me, sustainability is synonymous with simplicity. We have a better chance of effecting change and living sustainably when we live more simply and reduce our impact on the world and teach the developing nations how to live sustainably and to not follow in the environmentally degrading steps of the Western nations.
Sustainabilty is somehing that can be done for any given period. It is our priviledge to be given this earth and our duty to sustain it. Doing everything we can to help preserve the earth, help others and leave something beautiful for future generations!
Sustainability is a reminder to not overuse resources, but instead to me mindful as consumers.
To meet the necessities of life. How appropriate when we talk about leaving the world a better place for our children. Using our resources and not taking care of the planet will leave nothing for our children and our grandchildren. How will they be able to meet the necessities of life? Food, water, shelter? By taking control now and doing our part and not waiting for someone else to step up is the first and most important way to leave a legacy for future generations.
Sustainability is the ability not only to survive but to thrive! Ending up in a better spot than you started.
“Sustainability is the capacity to endure”….and with this product and others, along with our ability to change ones thinking can make sustainability more effective in our society today, green change NEEDS to happen sooner rather than later for mother nature to endure us as a race!
Sustainability for me is about companies and organizations working to create a better world, one that creates less waste.
I like both of these definitions. I think truly living sustainably is very, very difficult. Many “environmentalists” say it’s actually impossible. However, so is reaching for the stars – but I still try!
“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” – United Nations
“My Grandfather survived on this earth without using anything that did not go back into the earth. The whole world could learn from that.”
–Floyd Westerman, SIOUX
It is our future.
Sustain: to provide with nourishment. To keep going. To support as true, legal, or valid.
I am a cancer survivor of 7 years with 3 beautiful daughters that have been given to me from above. All of the research I have done on curing and preventing cancer aligns perfectly with everything I have read in “Gorgeously Green”. In order to sustain (keep going) what I have learned, and to sustain (support as true) with my daughters, I find it incredibly important for me to pass on what I have learned to them. This would provide them with sustenance. Living a sustainable lifestyle is not only good for the earth, but also healthy for those that achieve that lifestyle! And a life withour cancer is one worth achieving!
Sustainability to me means giving back from life and the earth as much or more than you take from it, both in resources and in emotions. I love having my own veggie garden and the fun of looking for new ways to be green. I’ve just recently been exploring vintage and thrift stores and am amazed at the great stuff you can find.
I love that word Sustainable applies positively to all aspects of life, not just being green. Keeping something sustainable to me means that it has a positive influence, and is manageable and long lasting.
Sustainability means taking steps forward, not backward, in improving the durability and quality of our life here on earth. Even the smallest actions make a difference in the aggregate. The best way to lead is by example, and that is why I try to make smart choices and do things every day that make a difference – even just a little one!
To me Sustainable means Commitment. And, one way or another, we are committed to something – good or bad. So, our challenge is to be strong and stay true to sustaining what we believe in. Communities like this one help us to do that – Strength in numbers!
Susan – Michigan
“Sustaining” my skin’s health while “sustaining” our planet’s health–win-win!!
Sustainability is so important in our world today. It means makign the world a better, more efficient place for the next generation. It is not always easy, but in doing so you are paving the way for a better world.
I am working hard to convert to purchasing items made from sustainable resources. I want to make sure that there are especially enough trees around for our future to provide an oxygen rich environment and the beauty to behold for a long time to come!
Sustainability to me reminds me of the Iroquois saying, “In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.” I think if all companies (beauty or not) kept this in mind, our world would be a much better, safer, healthier place.
“Sustainability is like teenage sex. Everybody says they’re doing it, very few people actually are doing it. Those that are doing it are doing it badly.”
-Aussie architect Andrew Maynard
It starts at home my friends…
The ablility to maintain and compliment the resources around one, with postive improvements, compassion,and stability. Then one will then be able to offer sustainability. Then it would be their responsibility to share their knowlegde with those who desire to learn, multiplying themselves in order to change the world.
Sustainability…for me sustainability means to stand on ones own feet; to use the resources immediately and naturally available within your current community…wherein we are not dependent upon resources that are not naturally available in our immediate areas…if you live sustainably and locally ~ you are encouraging a thriving community…one that will stand on its own two feet and be less dependent upon non-sustainable and non-local means….thus the whole community flourishes…your carbon footprint diminishes…and taking care of your neighbors has a deeper meaning…
Sustainability- such an important word, especially when we live in such a disposable society.
Once we use everything up all that’s left will be a pile of garbage.
That’s why more than just green and eco-friendly we need to focus on sustainability- making things last for generations to come- using resources that are renewable, readily renewable for the generations to come.
I try to live a sustainable life.
These products sound great and the philosophy behind them is fab.
Please enetr me in your giveaway.
wenonawildrose @ aol . com
We absolutely must use and embrace companies who offer sustainable products! The disgusting “plastic island” floating in the Pacific Ocean is said to be twice the size of the state of Texas – this is so sad that our society is okay with using plastics and products that will NEVER go away.
Sustainability can be achieved in many facets of our lives – and should be. Focusing on sustainability within just a small parameter limits the incredibly positive effects that we can have on the earth, each other and ourselves.
I love the old proverb, “we did not inherit the earth from our parents but borrowed it from our children! Sustainability means being responsible for and PROTECTING our environment. Being sustainable gives me a change to be a “creative thinker”, pure fulfillment to me!
Sustainability is the most important concept today-it is not just about if a product is organic or natural-it is about the philosophy of the company and their commitment. I think it is so important to support companies with a strong sustainability mission so that other companies out there get the hint and get with the program!
Today is my birthday! As I think about my life and the coming year the word sustainability has a more personal meaning this year. My relationship with my husband is in much turmoil right now. For me striving for sustainabilty will mean being able to endure, contain my feelings without having a negative effect on the people around me. Not relying on others for inner peace and happiness.
I have benn totally into Green ans Sustainability. I’m really excited to see that there actually is a skin care line that does both. Usually you only see the Green aspect of things. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!
My definition of sustainability is being able to maintain what we have right now and thinking about how the choices we make today will affect tomorrow.
Being pregnant with my second child, the idea and implementation of sustainability is so important to me. I need to ensure I am leaving a world that is precious, alive and gorgeous for my two little girls.
Sustainability is such a difficult question especially with all of the greenwashing – is bamboo a sustainable alternative even though it requires chemical processing and long distance shipping? But when you strip all of the complexities away, I believe that living a sustainable lifestyle means doing right by the earth with the information that you have. Investing in furniture that is timeless and built to last, buying organic and ethical clothing even if the costs are higher, trying to reduce the amount of trash we generate and creating an overall smaller footprint.
All the little steps really do add up to a sustainable lifestyle and a sustainable world.
To be sustainable in this day and age takes a lot of work. We are currently living in a day and age where everyone is out to get the easiest and fastest resluts with little effort. We forget the reward of a little hard work and being thoughtful. Be mindful of your decisions, try not to always take the easiest route and put thought into your everyday actions and purchases.
SUSTAINABILITY: Give to yourself and to the earth, as well as to others. The results will be rewarding.
Sustainability is the new buzz word in living the green lifestyle, but the more I hear it used the more I wonder how to best apply it to my life. I try to make the choice everyday to change something in my life that will have a positive impact on the environment. From taking the time to recycle more, find ways to reuse or pass on unneeded items, or purchase products that are produced in a sustainable and non chemically based manner. I feel if I can make these everyday efforts sustainable in my life then I can make an impact on others and the environment. Sustainability is about continuing to grow, do more, and learn more, not just a grand gesture or a buzz word.
Today is my dad’s birthday.
He passed away 10 years ago.
My love for him, and others that have passed on, sustains me. I carry that love with me, and as my understanding of the world around me changes, I assume an even higher level of sustainability. Every day is a choice to make a better decision. To support a company such as this one, is just one more step towards making this world a better place to be for those that are yet to come, just as my dad did for me…
In Oregon, they have outdoor school for 5th and 6th graders. When I was a counselor there, they played this game about sustainability. They had 3 or 4 groups of kids, each representing generations. Then they had a bowl of m&ms. The first generation came in and took as many m&ms as they could grab. The next group took as many as they could. Until, finally, the last group had nothing. An example of what is happening to our world, unless we start making the choices to become more sustainable.
Sustainability means consciously choosing products that are grown or manufactured with the least impact on our precious planet. I make choices to use company’s that practice sustainabality in hopes that my young daughter will have a chance to enjoy the world that I know and love.
Don’t laugh, but sustainability reminds me of a Grateful Dead song. In “We Can Run”, they sing… “We don’t own this place, though we act as if we did. It belongs to the children of our children’s kids”. Every generation wants better for their children, yet we don’t always make choices that emulate this. What we do, eat, purchase, wear… ALL makes a difference. It’s our choice to make it a positively green & gorgeous one! ; )
Oh boy… what can I say about sustainability!?!? 😉
Well, I’ve had a Chronic Disease for 3.5 years and to me sustainability means you will keep on going, lasting – LIVING!! 🙂 No matter what they throw in my path, I AM SUSTAINABLE. I am a fighter and winner because I will beat this disease! To me, that is what sustainability is all about in a person.
A product with sustainability would remind me to “keep on keepin’ on”… but not in a “plain jane” kinda way… in a fabulous, ALIVE kind of way! Just how I live my life… I think this product is a great way to remind women out there we are ALL sustainable – no matter how sick, overweight, no matter how “bad” our skin is… there is a company out there wanting to push you to sustain yourselves/ourselves!!! 🙂
I love the play on words with this product name. I want so much to sustain my youthful appearance. And I want to make sure the products I use, beauty products included, do as little harm to the environment as possible. Maintaining natural resources and natural beauty–both are things I care about. : )
For me sustainability means that you give back more than you take. It is preserving the things that you need for those that will also need it in the future.
Sustainability is the potential for long-term maintenance of wellbeing, which in turn depends on the wellbeing of the natural world and the responsible use of natural resources.
Sustainability to me means examing our near and distant past to help save our future. When my grandmother was a young woman during the depression, raising 5 children, nothing was wasted, very little was thrown away…a tremendous amount of “recycling” was done, and she wasn’t focused on looking young forever, she was focused keeping her house warm and her children fed. I think there are lessons to be learned there.
Sustainability to me is moving forward…
Sustainability is action which keeps us and the future going.
Sustainable to me is peace.
I love learning how to make our planet healthier, I am so considerate of the earth now and my neighbors, by recycling,
shopping for the greenest products to clean my home.
I love to “Pay It Forward”
Mrs.Meyers is my whole families
new friend.My copy of GG is my
house bible.
Sustainability – coming from renewal resources. What could be more pure! Using only what nature can provide. It’s the shear genuis of the Creator we know as God. He’s given us everything we need.
Sustainability to me is the use of products and ingredients that can be renewed by the planet without damage. Its great to find good, sustainable cosmetic products.
Sustainability=Maintainability (I’m pretty sure I just made that word up)
I have been trying for over a year to find good, organic, people and earth-friendly cosmetics and skin care products, without much success. Some of the products I find seem okay, then don’t stand up on Cosmetics Database. Some, I just found out, aren’t really organic. I would genuinely appreciate some truly earth and human-friendly skin care products.
Sustainability is OUR RESPONSIBILITY to the future. We must be able to replenish what we use and not let there be unusable waste left behind.
Neat products, thanks for the opportunity to learn about them and try them –
SUSTAINABILITY is the wave of the future, finally.
I love to buy products that promote sustainability! It makes me feel good about what I’m eating and what products I’m using on myself and my kids! We need to look out for our kids and grandkids generations, and the only way to do that is to be responsible! SUSTAINABILITY!!!
Sustainablility to me means that I should live using natural resources, without diminishing them, so future generations can have the same. Replenish the earth, share seeds, and thank God for the earthly blessings He has bestowed upon us!
Sustainability = preservation (personal, local, continental and global). A win-win for all!
We may not be able to reverse the effects of our and other’s actions, but we can do what we can to sustain where we and the earth are and have today.
I love that our rural community has stepped up their game when it comes to SUSTAINABILTY and going “Green”. Next year, a brand new state of the art elementary school opens and along with it comes solar energy, a wind turbine (which will be used for it’s energy saving benefits AND to teach the children about wind energy), composting, recycling and reusing. This is a GIANT LEAP in the right direction towards a sustainable community!
Sustainability for me and many others is a main focus of life in these difficult times. Sustainability to me means strength and endurance. If I am to endure, I need to take care of my health so that I can keep my family healthy, keep my job, keep my home, keep my son in college, keep the Earth as healthy as possible and keep a good future in sight. It is about keeping the good things.
We all want to sustain our youthful appearance. Creams, serums, pills galore abound on the market. Being gorgeously green allows us to sustain the earths youthful appearance. It is our duty to protect her “skin” for future generations to enjoy!!
Sustainability for me means only taking what my family and I needs to live a happy and healthy life. I feel so empowered as a woman to know the foods I buy and the products I spend my money one keep my family’s and the planet healthy.
Be good to mother earth and the beings who populate her – it starts with you – lead by example – practice sustainability and pass it on.
Sustainability, is a choice, one that will allow future gen erations, FREEDOM !
Sustainability, is a choice, one that will allow future generations, FREEDOM !
Sustainability they say is all about our future and protecting our future generations so that they will have a good life. Well I say what about us? Sustainability is about our generation as well and living healthy and co-existing with the Earth so that we will have the good things now and for years to come. The Earth will always win over mankind, because it can regenerate- people can’t. I find ways everyday to show my kids how to care for the Earth and themselves. You don’t have to sacrifice beauty and health, but you do have to find new ways to have it without harming the environment. A little goes along way.
SUSTAINABILITY what a challenge, what a goal! I’m moving forward with new awareness in green practice, what an exciting adventure!
Sustainable living can seem so overwhelming. I like to break it down into simple steps. Re-using, recycling. Also, living frugally seems to go hand in hand with sustainability. Purchasing food in it’s natural state and cooking from scratch is a way to eat healthy, save money AND there isn’t any extra packaging leftover.
Sustainability should be priority in the way we live our lives.
Being a mom, one of the most important things I can do is live my life conserving our planet’s resources AND teaching my babies to do the same. Every time my 2-year old turns off a light, he says, “save the Earth!” That’s how I practice sustainability!
Susutain this: I AM the change I want to see in the world.
Sustainability means not leaving a footprint. You have come and gone without change.
Sustainable is about making the world a better place for those that come after us. It’s our duty; every generation wants to help the one that will come after them.
We are so capable of enduring almost anything in our lives, our planet has being put to the test and yet here we all are fighting still to keep ours and our planet’s wellbeing. It is my wish for all of us in this World, in which my children are now growing that we find better ways to better our environment in a way that will make us able to meet not only our needs but those of future generations.
Sustainability, that’s me. Replenish the earth for my children and their children to come!
I very much believe the 7th Generation speal – what we do now WILL effect the next 7 generations – and beyond. We all need to remember that EVERY little bit counts!
Sustainability without chemicals – Nature’s Idea of Beauty – I’m excited to try this product, and I’m really grateful to know about it. Nobody does it better than Mother Nature. Thanks!
To me sustainability relates to all of our resources – globally and personally. Like the earth and its resources, a person can’t give continuously without being replenished. The natural laws of consideration, balance, renewal, and sustainability are for all of us in all ways. 🙂
Sustainability is a vital part of every day life for me!
Sustainability is a vital part of my life every day!
Sustainability: means to me that we are taking care of our life and future generations.
To me…Sustainability is making and leaving a better world for our child’s child. We can do it!!!
I try to incorporate sustainable products and resources into my lifestyle wherever possible. This product certain fits into my philosophy. But in addition to the obvious benefits to our Earth, this product offers sustainability of my complexion. And THAT is also an important consideration. For as youthful as I feel, I want my looks to carry me into the future with as few wrinkles as possible!
Sustainability, while it is a noun with its definition, it is also a call to action… on ongoing task that we are all responsible for. The “awareness” of our impact on every living organism has finally come to be because it is sustainability that is at risk.
Our family tries to be sustainable for our kids and future generations.
To me, sustainability means that we have a positive impact on our planet rather than a negative one. We should be focused on creating a beautiful future for generations to come by being smart about the impact we have and making strong efforts to minimize it.
I think “sustainable” means we are able to keep something at the same level. I would love to “sustain” my skin. At 53, I need all the help I can get!
To sustain is to live on in balance with nature. People have to start taking better care of one another and of the environment. We need to recycle more and buy things that are environmentally friendly, biodegradable, etc.. AND we don’t need so much STUFF,–we all need to learn to live with less.
Sustaining resources, sustaining health. This is how we should live our lives every way that we can. It is unfortunate that sustainable products made by companies utilizing sustainable practices are not affordable to the general population. There are no products in lower price ranges that do not contain hazardarous chemicals. This is partially because sustainable farming and organic, clean manufacturing cost more in this “processed” world. I hope Diane B. above gets her efforts off the ground, GOOD LUCK! Everyone, keep spreading the information about responsible choices for our earth!
I have been looking and looking for some gorgeousley green skin care and I would love to try this set.
Sustainability to me is treating the Earth today so that it will be alive and growing for our children.
There was never a more perfect time to think “Sustainability” when everyday is about getting through each day, SUSTAINING in spite of everything.
And I’d sure feel better if I were using more “green” for skin care~ I’m all for “try before you buy”, not into wasting money on products that fail to sustain me…
best wishes, Sophie and stay high and dry out there in So-Cal!
Interdependence + commitment = sustainability
Sustainability is not only keeping our resources in tact, but also our human spirit. Realizing that we are not the only ones on our prescious planet. We need to sustain our trust and respect in our fellow neighbors, and also understand that our planet is being shared by many cultures. By keeping the sacred bond between all peoples, we are more likely to then take care of the home that we all share.
I’m spending my second year in AmeriCorps, and my job is to create a sustainable community. I never really thought much about a sustainable lifestyle, and now everything I do I have the thought in my head: how will this stand in 10 years? How will this help people in the long haul. It’s a great feeling to be a part of something that promotes and makes available different ways of living. Sustaining the ways we live is the only way to make sure that our children have ways to live.
Sustainability is the thoughtful way to live our lives, understanding that when we overuse, someone else receives less, because we have a finite amount of resources on our planet. And when we are living gently and simply on our planet, others will be able to simply live.
Sustainability to me means each system supports each other rather then one taking from another. I feel the world is working towards that goal but not as fast as I would like them.
I think of sustainability in terms of the action- whether the product or food you are buying/using can be replenished and contributes to rather than destroying the earth.
Sustainability allows us a future, but more importantly for our children and their children- among future generations to come- an existence on this planet. It’s a state of mind and a way of life so we can continue living. What is more important than that?
less is more, be aware of your environment, your world, your fellow human beings and animals. Be kind to all living things,especially your world. simple common sense things we were taught as children to keep our planet clean and livable. Teach your children too!!!
My husband, being an OLE MISS
Graduate we were first to notice when this was release.
Substainable Youth has been in our daily regiment since day 1. I think I talked to
a real person when I called so many times now I have to leave a message. love this product I need to win this bad. Know they have whet to
answering machine Go team!
I live in a small town in Mississippi.the aloe vera base plant that was discovered at OLE MISS called Alasta will do the job it says it will. and Frank if you are still answering phone Hello.
Need to get this we love this product.My wife uses it every day and night. I love the capsules. They are great for your eyes.