Introducing the Live Longer Pillow! Here’s the deal – a pillow that promises you an extra 15 days plus of life a year…bit of a stretch, right? I mean, surely that depends on the health of the user? If I am 200 pound overweight, refuse to exercise and stuff my face with steak and donuts everyday, there’s nothing that’s going to add to the life that I’m already cutting dramatically short, right? SO – assuming I’m healthy, and lead a healthy, balanced life style, is it really possible that a small pillow could extend my life?
As you might imagine, it’s all about what the cushion is stuffed with, and in the case of the Live Longer Pillow, the material is Pinus Cembra, which is a tree in the Alps that has very special health and longevity benefits. Many European studies have been done on this wood and have determined that it is does indeed increase longevity, reduce stress, boost immunity.
The actual pillow is a luxurious cylindrical cushion made of 100% pure cotton of the finest quality and filled entirely with 600 grams (approximately 21 oz.) of pure Alpine Pinus Cembra wood curls.
After being sent a sample to try – I will say that it is a beautifully made pillow, and I may be imagining it, but I do sleep very, very well with it by my side, and am now sneaking it onto my desk chair as a back support (in the hope that my live will be extending as I type!), I asked the company why it is so expensive ($399) because I now want 2 for my bed (husband thinks it’s unfair that I’m hugging one and extending my life, when he isn’t!!), one for my desk chair, and two for my couch – but I’m not sure I want to take out a second mortgage to pay for it. They explained that the only way that people can typically bring this magical wood into their homes is as pieces of incredibly expensive furniture (head boards, cribs etc), and also there is only so much wood to go around (it is sustainably harvested and FSC certified). So I do get that this is a very rare and unique filling that we are talking about here.
Bottom line – the design and fabrics (loads of different fabric designs and shades to choose from) used are high-end and really gorgeous – the filling does confer health benefits, and is way more healthy than virtually any other filling I can think of – so if you can afford it, it a very, very nice luxury.