So many of you have asked me for recommendations for a great facial balm for extremely dry skin. I highly recommend the Transform Daily Facial Balm by Laurel Plant Organic. It’s quite perfect for travel over the Holiday season. Pop a jar in your purse or your suitcase and you are all set!
This Balm is a waterless, soft, smooth balm that absorbs quickly into the skin. An ideal daytime face moisturizer for those who need a little help maintaining moisture throughout the day. It features a whole plant blend of: Calendula, Comfrey, Gotu Kola, Nettle, and Chamomile to promote cellular healing, stimulate new cell growth, stimulate and lengthen the life of collagen, and calm inflammation. A luxurious, herbaceous, floral blend of organic and therapeutic grade essential oils of Sandalwood, Neroli, Carrot Seed, and Lemon Balm is included to soften, plump, and nourish skin.
Oh – and did I mention that it smells divine!