I’m very impressed with the Hydrating & Purifying Serum by LAFACE Laboratories. Founder, Lisa Alexander, is from a fifth generation agricultural family in California. She is committed to offering state of the art, organic skin care products. Having taken this serum for a road test, I think Lisa’s onto something. This serum contains vitamins A, B, D, & E, essential fatty acids, phytosteroids and lecithin. It’s lipd-soluble, so delivers the ingredients deep into the skin. Unlike many ‘natural’ skin care serums, this product is immediately absorbed into your skin. The ideal combo would be to follow with their cellular regeneration cream. This is a high-end line, and the price reflects this. However, if you compare it to high-end (and highly-publicized) department store brands (that claim the same kind of benefits), this is head & shoulders above. Remember those expensive department store brands are often filled with water, preservative and other chemicals that don’t belong on your skin.