kind-220x165You must have seen Kind Bars around and about, but have you actually tried them? Some of their recent recipes have knocked my socks off  – most especially the Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate & Protein. This satisfies every single one of my taste buds, whilst giving me a portion of protein – PERFECT for after a hard workout, when I crave something sweet, but really need the protein.

For me, it’s all about the CRUNCH – I love a bar that requires me to really chew, and all the kind bars are packed choc full of the healthiest nuts and dried fruits. Actually, here’s something pretty cool: A recent study was done by the Yale Griffin Prevention Center about how all snacking is NOT created equal. They gave 2 kind Kind Bars a day to 94 overweight adults to add to their regular diet – there was absolutely no weight-gain, which tells us that snacking on healthy snacks that are full of protein and fiber may even help with weight management. If these individuals had substituted some of their more unhealthy meals with Kind Bars, they probably would have seen some healthy weight-loss.

I know that for some people who are trying to get healthier, the thought of smoothies and juices just doesn’t cut it – many people I know need to chew on something substantial to feel satisfied – a smoothie/juice is a drink – hello!! So, if you’re in this camp, you could do way worse than grab yourself a box of Kind Bars – there’s an enormous variety to choose from.

But the best, best thing about this company is that is really is founded on Kindness. The CEO’s father was a holocaust survivor and he grew up realizing that there was nothing more important than kindness. To this end, his company performs one big act of kindness a month – such as giving school supplies to a school in need, and he encourages his customers to take daily actions of genuine kindness. So, if you know someone in need of a healthier diet, it might just be an act of kindness to send them a Kind Cube!

Finally, when I travel, a Kind Bar is the perfect bar to pop into my purse for the plane. I don’t love a squishy bar on a plane, but a Kind bar hits just where it’s needed, with a nice cup of green tea (and yes, I do carry my own green tea and reusable mug with me on the plane!)

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