You’ve obviously head of “Fracking” by now, and reports of people putting a light to their drinking water and seeing up go up in flames? Does it all seem a bit extreme, confusing, or just a load of crazy extremists going off on one? Well, I beg you to watch Gas Land 2, which is now available on HBO. It not only explains in great detail what “Fracking” is, but it is a massive eye-opener to what is really going on with the Natural Gas Industry in this country (actually across the Globe!).
Thank God for film makers like Oscar-nominated, Josh Fox, who have the dedication and courage to tell the whole story, in an utterly compelling film, which everyone should see. I knew about the hydraulic drilling process known as “Fracking,” and have blogged about it a couple of times before, but this film sparks a whole new round of discussions.
I knew that the methods that the gas industry have to use to drill way down to get Shale Gas, can be highly polluting, but I had no idea of the extent of the damage, and how massive areas of hitherto untouched U.S. soil are now polluted to the extent that no one can live there – literally NO ONE! Residents have had to completely move out of entire towns because their water table is so polluted that yes – you can light it with a match. Their air is so polluted that their kids can no longer breath air without getting severe nosebleeds and worse.
What this important films shows us, is that our basic rights as Americans – the right to have clean air, water and food, is no more. What is so scary is that these gas fields in which they are aggressively drilling, aren’t in a few isolated rural areas – they are everywhere. Your home could be sitting on top of one of them right now – and you might have no idea that a couple of miles away, they are drilling poisonous chemicals into your water table, into order to extract this gas.
Heard about Earthquakes in areas that don’t normally have them? This is apparently due to Fracking. Makes perfect sense, right? And what totally freaked me out is that in Los Angeles, I live on the largest fault line in the world, and yes – they are totally Fracking a few miles away from central Los Angeles – hello!!!!
It make you want to cry – so prepare yourself. To add terrible insult to injury, it turns out that much of our Shale Gas will wind up being exported anyway, which will drive our prices up. So, all this utter destruction of our natural world in order for the “higher ups” to pocket more. The “industry” will wind up taking our basic rights, our health, and our money – all in the name of weaning ourselves off fossil fuel. Watch this movie and you’ll realize that it’s NOT the solution.