Flower Essences

Profound Healing Agents from the Natural World

Flowers are more than a thing of beauty.  They are much more than meets the eye.  Botanically, flowers are the site of pollination and reproduction and are considered the highest creative expression of a plant, containing  highly concentrated life force energies. Partly due to this concentration of creative energy, flowers have a profound ability to heal and balance our body, mind and spirit.  Made into special preparations called flower essences, these safe bioenergetic remedies act as agents of transformation through their precise methods of deepening our relationship with ourselves and the natural world. How is this important and what are the benefits to deepening this connection?

Here are just a few of the ways in which flower essences can assist us in our daily lives:
~assistance in centering, calming , and strengthening our inner resolve
~ increased clarity
~ helps us with all that comes with a busy, stressful life
~ helps us to know and live our soul’s agenda or dharma
~helps comfort and heal grief and heartbreak
~increases focus, alertness, and concentration
~helps with emotional equilibrium and quiets an overactive mind
~ heals patterns of self-sabotage and areas where we may be punishing ourselves

Flower essences help us to gracefully navigate life by strengthening us from the inside out.

My new flower essence line I created for Floracopeia called FlorAlchemy, combines a bioactive and biocompatible extract of flowers and floral essential oils with a subtle energetic preparation of flowers resulting in an extremely versatile and multilayered botanical addressing a wide range of issues. These Flower Essence Tincture’s are organic, multidimensional preparation of flowers used to heal and harmonize the body, emotions, mind and spirit.

Rose Flower Essence Tincture:  As an age old symbol of the heart, this highly nutritive flower nourishes the Shen or Spirit and simultaneously relaxes and uplifts. Rose embodies spiritual love, energetically softens and opens the heart, quiets an overactive mind and gives the gift of remembrance of our essential nature encouraging more grace and love in our lives.

Sacred Basil (Holy Basil or Tulsi) is one of India’s most powerful and sacred plants and is thought to nourish perfect health and promote long life.  Our Sacred Basil Flower Essence Tincture boosts immunity and vitality, uplifts the mood and spirit, and supports health on many levels. Spiritually, it helps bring clarity around our true nature and dharma or soul directed purpose and is thought to nourish and help maintain the balance of the subtle bodies. I find that it can also be supportive to help heal and resolve old emotional scars.

Calendula Flower Essence Tincture works on multiple levels of body, mind and spirit and assists with centered receptivity though its opening, relaxing, grounding and empowering qualities. It works to soothe overwrought nerves and calm hyper-vigilant states. It adjusts the flow of energy in the solar plexus and the liver/gallbladder system making it beneficial to reduce stressful states and enhance skin, eye, and gastrointestinal health. Energetically, it enhances our connection to nature in part by enhancing the exchange of earth energy through soles of the feet. On a spiritual level, it helps us to be more present, empowered and receptive in our lives and is great for enhancing communication with others and group dynamics.

Lavender embodies compassionate feminine wisdom with majestic strength and protection.  On a physical level, our Lavender Flower Essence Tincture strengthens and balances the nervous system giving us better energy, deeper sleep and a more positive outlook on life. Lavender helps us stay strong and healthy by brilliantly guarding and boosting the immune system through its purifying properties. Energetically, it protects from all types of stress and disharmonious frequencies and can be used to protect us when we are among crowds of people or when exposed to harmful electromagnetic frequencies (cell phones, computers, etc). On a spiritual level, it encourages us to protect and express our own inner feminine wisdom which can be especially helpful during this rapidly shifting time on the planet.

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