PMS (pre-menstrual stress), can be toxic in more ways than one. My husband used to count the days when he’d have to tread very, very carefully around the house. The wrong thing said in the wrong tone could have me lashing out in a full-fledged attack. I’ve mercifully seen my PMS decrease over the past couple of years, which may be due to the fact that I’ve taken dramatic measures to eliminate as many xenoestrogens from my life as possible. What are xenoestrogens? They are hormone disruptors, or to be more specific, they mimic the effect of the hormone estrogen. Xenoestrogens bind to your estrogen receptor sites and knock your entire endocrine system off balance. In children, this can result in many problems including extremely early puberty. In adults, the effects can vary from best-case scenario – PMS, and worst-case – cancer. Xenoestrogens come in the form of Bisphenol-A, Parabens, and phthalates, to name a few. Phthalates can be found in a host of skincare products – so if you want to eliminate your exposure before you even hit the breakfast table (women typically expose themselves to an average of 150 chemicals before they leave the
house), it’s a great idea to make sure that all your shampoos, conditioners, body lotions and perfumes are free of these unwelcome chemicals. In short, beauty products can cause PMS. Be very wary of the word “perfume” in any ingredient list. Hundreds of chemicals can be used (many phthalates), and all the label has to say is an innocent-sounding “perfume”. I look for products that are scented with organic essential oils only.
Luckily most of us G.G. girls are now savvy to this and spend much of our time sourcing non-toxic products. If you’re in doubt or confused, freshen up on what should or shouldn’t be in your products by reading Step 2 of Gorgeously Green. You can also grab the G.G. iPhone app, which lists all the chemicals to avoid – handy if you’re out and about shopping. Remember, all this hoo haa about buying non-toxic products is serious stuff. With your ingredient checklists in hand, you can avoid all the greenwashing, and make sure you’re getting products that won’t harm you or your family.
A little pre-plug for my new book: if you find the prices of non-toxic/eco-friendly products to be a little steep, don’t despair! In Do It Gorgeously, which will be published June 1st 2010, I show you how to make literally every skincare product you need. It’s easy, super-affordable and more effective than virtually anything you can buy in the store. Can’t wait to share these recipes with you.
I am in the process of eliminating Xenoestrogens from my diet and cosmetics. I found this this information yesterday:
I am so excited to purchase a copy of Do It Gorgeously! I’ve always wanted to make my own beauty products – I make my own lip scrub with a little bit of sugar and honey, and I’ve love to learn some new methods that are organic and not full of all those chemicals!
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