I just met oh such a Gorgeously Green girl here in Los Angeles, who I want to tell you about: Kim D’Amato is owner of the Priti organic nail salon in NYC and not only is she a great girl with a great philosophy, but she has a product that you are all going to want: her huge color selection of polishes are exquisite and they last a long time without chipping. I LOVE her non-toxic nail polish remover too, however, the best of the best are her Priti Princess polishes for little girls. They come in sparkly, candy colors and the Priti Princess kit that she does is the perfect gift for a young girl. My daughter’s birthday is coming up and I’m going to give the kits as favors, as I want to encourage all my friends to eschew the use of toxic polish, especially for their kids.
Priti NYC

Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.