Al Gore will be appearing on David Letterman tonight – Tuesday 3rd November to promote his new book, “Our Choice”, which
we’ll be reviewing shortly. Al Gore’s last book An Inconvenient Truth was a mega-bestseller and was largely responsible the outcry of millions of Americans, who want to do something before it’s too late. Did anyone catch Dr Jay Gordon weighing in on the Swine Flue vaccine, on Larry King last night? We’d love you to weigh in on this controversial topic. Are you having the vaccination or not? Do you know anyone who’s had the Swine flu this season? Read the transcript of the interesting discussion that took place. I’m looking forward to seeing Mr Gore tonight :In his own words, Al Gore said, “An Inconvenient Truth reached millions of people with the message that the climate crisis is threatening the future of human civilization and that it must and can be solved. Now that the need for urgent action is even clearer with the alarming new findings of the last three years, it is time for a comprehensive global plan that actually solves the climate crisis. Our Choice will answer that call.”
Since his last book, Mr. Gore has tirelessly worked with top scientists, engineers and policy experts to examine every possible solution to the climate crisis in depth and detail. The results of this work and extensive independent research is his new book.
100% of the book’s profits will go to the Alliance For Climate Protection. Our Choice will feature 100% recycled paper, locally produced and sourced editions, low VOC inks, and will be carbon neutral.
Get your hands on a copy of his book now!
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