British supermodel, Kate Moss, has clearly put her skinny little foot in it by admitting in an online interview that her motto is: “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”. This has caused a bit of a stink in the Britsih press, as numerous “pro-ana” (pro-anorexia,) websites, hang on her every word. Young girls are confused, they listen to physically beautiful woman citing their silly mottos and on the other hand, are victims of hard-core advertising, which tell them that eating additive-packed junk food, will make them happy. Childhood obestity is clearly a problem, however, eating healthily and sensibly in the only real solution. My motto is: “Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels”. If you have been seriously sick, you know what I’m talking about. Bad eating habits, including starving oneself, is the fast-track to ill health. The Gorgeously Green Diet (Paperback edition releases in January 2010), is all about healthy eating. It’s a diet for optimum health and vitality, where you’ll learn how your food choices affect your skin, your body and most importantly your feelings. Our food choices are deeply personal, spiritual and not only affect ourselves and our families, but also the environment. Choosing minimally-processed, fresh and clean foods is one of the most potent actions you can take to help the planet. My book is packed with eating plans and recipes, which will set your salivery glands on overdrive. I don’t believe in deprivation of any kind and to that end, the G.G. diet includes bread, pasta and chocolate, and every goodie that any real girl can’t live without. Most diets don’t work because they expect you to eat grilled chicken breasts, white fish and a few lettuce leaves every single day – but hello, it’s Winter and the holidays are coming on! We need comfort food and seasoanl food is just that: hearty root vegetable soups, crusty wholewheat bread drizzled with fruity olive oil. I promise you Kate, these kinds of foods will not make you fat.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.
I wish she would keep her foot in her mouth, there’s enough reinforcement for eating disorders in young girls without more morons adding to it.
My mother passed away from a lifelong battle she lost- with anorexia and bulemia. I remember watching her starve and binge/purge in high schoo, and thinking it was absurd- but after 20 years of doing it, and several hospitalizations, it was unfortunately too late for my mom. Stupid slogans like kate moss (nothing tastes as good as skinny feels) are a total mixed message to girls- and while I believe she has the right to speak her mind, and she should not be censored, shame on her for not realizing (or just not caring) that she is a role model to all kinds of young ladies. This is not a question of censorship- it is an issue of Ms Moss not thinking before she speaks, which is unfortunate.
I tend to overindulge (which is why after 2 kids in 5 years I still have an extra 40lbs, lol). BUT I feel healthy, and we are well on our way to an organic, healthy, simple lifestyle- because while I want to be healthy, and would love to be slimmer, I am not about to starve myself!!!
That line of her’s: “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”… is one I’ve heard at one too many Weight Watchers meetings. *sigh*
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