Okay ladies, September is Yoga month – so time to roll out that dusty old mat and commit to doing just a teeny bit of yoga every day! You really don’t have to do a 90 minute practice (the length of most classes,) in order to benefit. Just mastering a little breathing and a couple of poses a day can get you nicely on track. As I’ve been sitting at a computer for more hours than is healthy or comfortable for the past 3 years, my regular yoga practice began to slip down my priority list. As a result, tighter hips, shoulders and heightened stress levels began to creep back into my life, so I resolved to carve out a quiet half hour every day and get back on the mat. The most important element in Yoga is the breathing, which ultimately leads to a sense of calm, whereby the mind begins to quieten down.
The ultimate goal of yoga is not to become physically fit, (although that’s an important element) – the actual goal is to train the mind to become still. The reason why the poses (asana,) are so important is because the only way you can sit comfortably to meditate for any length of time, is to become flexible and strong. I love my yoga practice with a passion – if it wasn’t for yoga, my back would be a total mess. Our bodies weren’t designed (or haven’t yet evolved,) to sit for hours a day staring at a computer screen. Yoga stretches those tight/over-contracted muscles with the aid of the breath and feels quite magical when I remember to do it.
If nothing else, it’s vital that I learn to breathe properly, as that is the key to beginning meditation. Many years ago, I learned the breathing technique, which in yoga is called the Ujjayi Breath, which means “Victorious”. This easy technique has been a total life-saver so many times. It helps enormously with stress, insomnia, anxiety, and even panic attacks. Read this excellent article by renowned teacher, Tim Miller, for easy and clear directions.
Having mastered a deep breathing technique that works for you, it’s time to roll out your mat and before the mind tells you the thousand reasons why you really should be doing something else like checking your emails or Facebook, get started with a simple cat/cow sequence
If you don’t have the time or money to take yoga classes, I highly recommend either the excellent book ” Yoga Poses” by Judith Lasater, or webisodes by Gorgeously Green Yoga Expert, Natasha Rizopoulos
I included yoga poses in my first two books because after years of teaching and practicing, I realized that much of my passion for green originated from the connection I learned through breathing. When engaged in deep and focused breathing, I immediately feel more connected to my surroundings. The next time you go for a walk or sit in a park, try to practice the Ujjayi breath for 3 or 4 minutes and notice that the colors and smells around you become more vibrant. Focusing on the breath also brings me into the present moment, the “now”, where I can experience subtle sensations in my body. If I stay focused long enough, I can begin to actually observe my thoughts and what I riot that is! In yoga they call it “monkey mind” because our mind/thoughts dart all over the place, rarely able to stay still. I’ve learned that it’s only through consistent and persistent practice, that I can begin to even attempt to train the monkey! The reward, however, is so worth it. When I experience those rare moments of absolute stillness, I experience a kind of blissful peace. It’s hard to get to, but very comforting to know it’s always there when I need it.
I’ve committed to rather a lot this month! You may remember in a past post that I’ve promised myself to sew some of my own clothes and to post photographs, and now I’m going to commit in black and white to daily half hour practice of breathing/mediation. Hmmmmmm – now I’ve written that down, I’d better shut down my darling computer and drag out my meditation cushion before monkey mind drags me elsewhere.
Check out the fabulous yoga mats in the G.G. Store!
Ah, yoga…something I definitely need to get back to. Thanks for the reminder and good luck with the meditation.
I thought you might appreciate this time lapse video about an urban community that turns their junkyard into a sustainable garden in just one day.
I think it’s cool how Kia is driving change.
I took my first yoga class in 1973 and instantly became hooked but over the years I have let it slide as time always seemed to be an issue but reading your post today reminded me how important that yoga time is and I too am going to commit to a half hour a day. Thanks for the inspiration.