It was both exciting and inspiring to be amongst Hollywood’s Greenest celebrities at the EMA Awards show last night. I arrived with my Gorgeously Green friend, Finola Hughes, and we had a blast. The 2009 Honorees included Sir Richard Branson, the National Geographic Society and Jason Mraz. Branson collected his award from Daryl Hannah and with his huge Cheshire cat smile, explained why he has become a world business leader in the Green Space: He believes that the crisis we face should be tackled with the same urgency as that of a major world war. “Some already believe it’s too late”, he warned, but hoped that the bigger percentage of scientists who think that we can save the planet by taking decisive and immediate action, are right. If any of you fancy winning $25 million, you may want Enter The Virgin Earth Challenge and see if you can come up with a method by which greenhouse gases can be removed from the atmosphere – piece of cake! A number of awards were given to film and TV productions that not only help to spread a Green message, but that also make sure that their productions, from top to bottom are eco-friendly. Jason Mraz, who got honored for the Missios in Music Award was super-impressive in his committment to help lesson his impact – from making sure all the shirts sold at his concerts are made out of organic cotton, to powering his tour bus with bio-diesal, he walks the walk.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.
I love green technology and being as energy-efficient as possible.
But please! Quoting Richard Branson????
Has he improved the energy use of his aircraft? Does he use public transport? Is he making green investments?
Has he even put in a compact fluorescent in his house?
And you’ve attended a Hollywood bash? Wll, kudos on the networking, but if you’re touting a Gorgeously Green lifestyle, have the goodness to follow through and minimise your own wasteful practices by avoiding such glitzy, energyintensive events.
To answer some of your questions –
Richard Branson has pledged to invest 3bn dollars to fight global warming. The funds will be invested in schemes to develop new renewable energy technologies through an investment unit called Virgin Fuels.
Does he even use a CFL light bulb? – well actually both his home in Necker and the luxury resort that he is developing will be ENTIRELY fueled by hydro-power and TOTALLY carbon neutral.
These are only a few of the green initiatives he is involved in.
Read the following link:
As to being at a celebrity event – I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a bunch of media heavyweights getting together to inspire each other to roll their sleeves up and get the message out there. Like it or not – media and celebrities are pretty powerful and goodness me, this message has to get out there somehow!
I appreciate your distain of people who are perhaps hypocritical, however, this isn’t a stance we take here at Gorgeously Green.