I am so thrilled to announce the launch of The Gorgeously Green Diet. It’s more a “live-it” than a “diet” as my mission was to bring you a balanced way of eating that will put a spring in your step and sparkle in your eyes. Most weight-loss diets ignore the fact that your body is an intricate system that works as a whole. There is no point shedding pounds quickly, if it compromises your health in anyway. The way we eat is preventative health care at it’s best -so the G.G. diet is primarily about eating foods for optimal health and your optimal weight. I have been eating like this for ten years and have managed to maintain my perfect weight. I never deny myself, as I love eating – I look forward to my meals and think that good food should be celebrated each and everyday. No need to buy expensive diet foods that are packed with additives on this diet – on the contrary, each diet plan shows you how to create meals that your whole family can enjoy and also helps you to save money. Eco-friendly eating is healthy eating as we are inextricably linked to our environment. So committing to the 6-Step pledge will help you to reduce your eco-impact, your waistline and will put the green back into your wallet. I invite you to pick the shade of green that best suits your lifestyle and start the eating plan for your shade. You can download the shopping lists and start today. Find a buddy on our message boards and let’s do this together as the strong and powerful community that we are.

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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.
This book is absolutely fabulous – especially for those of “Bright to Deep Greens” that are committed but confused by all labeling! I bought it right after it was featured on GMA and pick it up several times daily.
Thanks Sophie!
This book has literally changed my family’s life. I am not kidding; we were ‘Friday-Night-Pizza-Junkies’ and have switched to ‘Veggies-and-Fruits-Bar’ on Fridays! Eating organic has been health-changing. It has even changed my family. Saturdays are our ‘farmers market’ day; my children play with other kids and we’ve made friends!
This is how far we’ve gone; we don’t take plastic bags from stores. Yuck! My skin has cleared out; suddenly I don’t have the mood swings that used to, and my back pain has gone away. Don’t know if it is related, but no other diet ever worked for me. THe thing is that it is so yummy! However, I cannot call it a diet; it’s a lifestyle!
Thank you Sophie; God blessed my home with your knowledge. Keep sharing this message of health and life!