Small changes make a big difference – that’s pretty much my philosophy and since the birth of Gorgeously Green, its been thrilling to see how many thousands of women have inspired each other to take their first small steps toward a greener way of life. This Earth Day, I invite every single one of you to think about the next small step that you want to take and commit to it. Most of us need to embark on a greener life style step-by-step, and many of you have probably found that one change always leads to the next. You start off with a reusable tote and end up with a wind turbine in your backyard!
Embarking on a greener lifestyle connects to the innate desire that most of us have to do something good – to affect change in some way during our lifetime. As things in our high tech world become increasingly transient, we all harbor a deep need to hold onto that which is timeless. Just taking a walk along a beach or even staring up at the night sky can be enough of a reminder that we need to take great care of this
miraculous planet.
To celebrate Earth Day, switch off your computer and all handheld devices (don’t you hate when they say that on the plane?), and go take a walk where there’s some semblance of nature. Plan one whole hour where you’ll be totally incommunicado, take some deep breaths, re-group, and think about what your next small step will be. I’ll be joining you – phone off, in a small meditation area that I set up in my backyard. Away from children, dogs and even my lovely husband, I’ll find some calm – just hope it doesn’t rain!
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