When I was pregnant, I waxed lyrical about the fact that my daughter would only play with wooden toys and never eat sugar because I would be the perfect non-toxic/eco-fanatic mom! Cut to age 3 months, and the plastic toys start creeping into the house, cut to age 3 and there’s not much in her room that isn’t in the petroleum-derived pink and purple camp. Leaching plastics, aside, I have made a concerted effort in the past few years to change this plastic habit for something a little more wholesome – a little more earth-friendly. That being said, when you are faced with the kind of doll peer-pressure that guilt trips you into mega mart to buy wardrobes, horses and even wheelchairs for a piece of plastic, time to do a reality check! So you G.G. moms may be thrilled to discover a wonderful alternative that has a positive, rather than a negative impact on our planet – The Earth Friends. Created by an eco-savvy mom in Northern California, these heirloom rag dolls are priceless. They are made from hemp, organic cotton and recycled materials (their stuffing is made from recycled plastic containers.) There are a family of dolls to choose from and each comes with a planting kit in a tiny backpack, whereby your child can go out and plant a Douglas Fir Tree. The recycled paper box converts into a wardrobe with a hanger and there are many adorable outfits to choose from. My daughter and her best friend (pictured) fell in love with their dolls and because they are both G.G. girls in the making, they were absolutely thrilled that their new new hemp playmates were not harming the earth.
Ditch The Plastic

Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.