Here are the best at-home facial gadgets for hair removal and facial cupping. I also review the jade roller.
NEW SERIES ALERT ???? This is the first episode of a new series called “Friday Favorites”
I am not SPONSORED to show any products in this series. I want to be able to give an honest review, and have you trust that I am choosing them because I want to, not because I’m being paid to!
HOT DEALS!!! ????Here are the deals I’ve managed to get for you on some of these gadgets.
Dermaflash – You can get 10% off a Dermaflash and any of the products using code: SOPHIEVIP You need to type this coupon code into the search bar of the Dermaflash site and this will take you to my deals!
Bogavia You can get 10% off any Bogavia product by using the code: SOPHIE10
Skin Gym Jade Roller