I always feel guilty because I rarely manage to down the supposed daily requirement of eight, 8 ounce glasses of water. That’s actually a lot of water for a little person like me! This led me to thinking about the fact that my mother’s generation didn’t live with this 8×8 requirement and my mother tells me that she never, ever felt dehydrated – they also didn’t have plastic or any other kind of water bottle to cart around, so I guess they just made do with a glass of water if and when they felt thirsty. Hmmm – got me thinking some more!
We can’t seem to survive without a bottle of water permanently at hand – wherever you go – the office, classroom, car, airplane – we all apparently need this water. I can’t go to a business meeting without being offered a cold, plastic bottle and mine, along with many others, barely have a few sips taken out of them, before they’re chucked away (probably not in a recycling bin). So all this led me to do a bit of research and it turns out that the origins of this 8×8 requirement are a bit shady: the part that is missing from the jigsaw is apparently that much of this water requirement comes from food (our produce is made up of water) and the 8×8 doesn’t even take into account the teas and coffee that we swill down. If we didn’t feel guilt-tripped into swigging all this water, would we need to reach for the plastic bottle every ten minutes. I have friends who buy a plastic liter bottle (shame on them for the plastic!) and put it on their desk to remind them to drink water. I believe the body knows it’s stuff – it knows when it needs to drink water because it will make you feel thirsty – not rocket science! So I now content myself with my humble reusable bottle, which carries about 16 ounces of water and, if I’m eating lots of fruit and veggies, it keeps me well hydrated for the day. Being a Brit, I also like a few cups of tea daily – so I’m well taken care of in the water department – and NO PLASTIC REQUIRED!
The Truth Behind 64 Oz. of Water

8 thoughts on “The Truth Behind 64 Oz. of Water”
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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.
Way to say it Sophi. If you drink all the water they tell you too you spend all day in the bathroom. And that is no fun.
I’m glad you’ve mentioned this topic! I cannot possibly drink that much water without feeling hugely bloated, and I’m average sized. I always wondered who decided on how much a person needs to drink each day…
This is wonderful Sophi to hear, that not everyone is a blind follower, that you as so many of us are always thinking about the why, rather than just doing.
Thank you
I agree! The 8 X 8 rule is a little much…but if you’re someone who drinks a lot of water (like me) or are more comfortable having water in arms length I would suggest buying a Camelbak bottle. They’re BPA free (keeping you safe from nasty chemicals) and spill proof.
If you’re just hanging around the house you probably don’t need the 64 oz. But if you’re exercising and it’s hot and you’re sweaty keep on drinking. Having trained for and participated in Breast Cancer 3-Day walks, if you wait till you feel thirsty you’re already dehydrated. I’d much rather drink the water and pee a lot than get stabbed with an IV line.
I am so glad to hear others say they cannot drink this much water. Neither can I!! I try to drink it but I just don’t care for water very much. I don’t think some people realize that there is such a thing as drinking too much water. I’ve read where it can damage your kidneys and probably some other organs as well.
I agree with you. I am a water drinker and never have counted glasses. some people do not like water so it might be ok for them but I doubt it.Here in GA. it is hot in summer and you do not have to be told to drink luids-eat watermeon we say.
I agree, Sophie. The issue here is also that we can dilute our electrolytes by drinking too much water. All things in balance.