You've graduated and have loved the experience. You've learned so much.
You're transformed.

And yet, without the constant support and accountability, you're wondering if the tremendous changes you've seen so far will last.

Where you are today
You now know ... 
  • That you are a meaning-making machine
  • How to identify the thoughts and beliefs that hold you back
  • The patterns that have constantly derailed you
  • How to flip beliefs so that they align with your FDS
  • How to talk to your supervillain
  • How to shift your emotional state
  • How to nourish your beautiful body
  • How to move your powerful body
  • How to stack powerful habits that stick
  • How to create a mindset ritual
  • How to release unwanted pounds
However ...
  • The supervillain is still strong, and it’s easy to slip back into old thought patterns.
  • Your limiting beliefs will continue to find new and innovative ways to grow like weeds and choke your FDS.
  • Life will get busy, and you’ll start believing old stories.
  • Your family and friends will drag you back into the old way of thinking, living, and eating.
  • You’ll start making disempowering meanings about yourself and writing stories that no longer serve.
  • You’ll be tempted to try a different way of eating because the food and diet industry is more powerful than you are!
You are now ignited, and you have the power to continue to change your life. However, these skills aren’t yet embedded, and you will wobble.
You’ve not conditioned this new knowledge or embedded the tools sufficiently for them to be able to stick without accountability.
Your next step: Rise & Shine
A select group of high-performing women committed to continuing their Ignited journey and creating a life of their choosing. Those who want the support of a dedicated tribe of like-minded women and next-level accountability.

This mastermind program helps you see your life from a new perspective, shorten wobbles, and ensure you get back on track as soon as possible. There's lots of healing and fun along the way.

Rise & Shine is now open, and here’s how it works:
  • [1] 25-minute one-on-one with your coach each month
  • Mind Body Action (MBA) tribe coaching sessions with Coach Alicia every Tuesday
  • Monthly coaching with Coach Sophie
  • Weekly access to the Friday Ignite Your Life coaching calls with Coach Sophie
  • Monthly special trainings with Coach Mary and Coach Audra
  • Unlimited video access to your coaching pod monitored by your coach through Marco Polo, a free video walkie-talkie app
  • A tight-knit community that lifts each other up fostered through your MBA tribe calls and Marco Polo.
  • Access to the exclusive Rise & Shine membership portal, including the growing archive of special training.
  • Entre into the Rise & Shine library - Coach Sophie’s top reading recommendations by month and discussion in the Rise & Shine Facebook Group.
  • Upgraded Ph.D. versions of your Ignite modules (so you can go through the modules again at a deeper level)
  • Each tribe within Rise & Shine is limited in numbers to maintain an intimate experience
Keeping You Accountable
We all know accountability is the key to implementing what you've learned.

As well as your twice-monthly coaching calls and one-on-ones, you'll get a deeper level of accountability support through the free video walkie-talkie app Marco Polo.

This free app will allow you, your pod, your coaches, and Sophie to check in as needed, with unlimited Marco Polo support to see you through even the biggest of wobbles.
This isn't for everyone, and that's ok
This is for you if...
  • You want to continue to master the concepts learned in Ignite Your Life such as limiting beliefs, emotional states, and more.
  • You want to continue the momentum and be held accountable for the changes you want to make in your life.
  • You want support and to be supported by a group of women from around the world.
  • You want to continue to expand on the principles covered in each Ignite Your life Module
  • You are prepared to commit for at least 6, ideally 12, months.
This isn't for you if...
  • You're looking for a shorter-term commitment.
  • You're more interested in 1:1 coaching on an ad-hoc basis.
  • You're not looking for a support network.
  • You feel you are doing well on your own and want to try to implement the tools you've learned by yourself for a while.
  • You want to explore other programs to expand your knowledge.
Join us and be excited by the possibility of what awaits on the other side of the new you!
Invest In Rise & Shine
Book With Sophie
Wondering if Rise & Shine is right for you? Book a decision-making call with Coach Sophie today to answer all your questions. (If you can’t find time on Sophie’s calendar, email 
Don’t want to waste another moment? Register today!
Rise & Shine costs $550 per month, with flexible options to empower you to join us for 6 or 12 months. 
Pay as you go monthly - $550 (minimum 6-month commitment)
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6 months upfront (and receive 1 month free) - $2,750
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12 months upfront (and receive 2 months free) - $5,500
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