Tru Cup Coffee

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I don’t really drink very much coffee because tea is my thing. I actually pretty much gave up coffee a few years ago because it hurt my stomach. But my husband LOVES his morning brew, and I have to say that sometimes the aroma really gets to me. My husband needed some new coffee and trucup came sailing across my horizon, touting itself as a low-acid coffee that might help stomach discomfort.

I tried a cup of the dark roast blend (they have 6 different blends,) and not only was it delicious, but it didn’t hurt my stomach. Hmmm – too good to be true I thought, so a couple of days later, I tried another cup – same deal. Although I won’t go back to being a full-on coffee drinker (green tea is my thing), I will say that for anyone who requires a delicious, smooth cup of Joe with minimal stomach discomfort, Tru Cup might be just what you are looking for.