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We short-change ourselves in the wellness department – we all do! This is why we all need a beauty boot camp with lasting results – One that really works!

I don’t have a single friend who doesn’t think she should be doing something to improve herself. From drinking more detoxifying smoothies to re-greening her entire beauty cabinet – We all think we should be doing more. But, the truth is that it’s confusing! There is so much conflicting health and wellness information out there that a lot of us just don’t know where to start (and thus throw-in the towel).  There’s always a new concoction that’s supposedly going to cure all our ills, and what about apple cider vinegar? Am I really supposed to be downing two shots before every meal? Vegan or Paleo? The extremes of info from one end of the spectrum to the other is enough to send us all to a home for the bewildered!

I also get a bit fed up with those interminable Pinterest infographics showing us yet another Matcha latte secret, or turmeric face mask. This is how “wellness” masquerades today. But, silliness aside, it’s tough for the average girl to find even a nugget of truth in this unscientific information-overload. And that’s why I’m here to help as your trusted wellness coach.

But truly, this noise gets in the way of what we really need to listen to: Our body! And if we don’t listen to our body and put our wellness at the top of the proverbial to-do list, our body will eventually betray us. I see it time and time again – Friends and readers coming to me for advice because they’ve had a mega wake-up call in the form of a scary diagnosis, or the inability to even get out of bed and perform the simplest of tasks.

However, we don’t have to wait for that wake up call. We can dive in now, and take some very simple steps toward ensuring that we will be able to face (mentally, physically and spiritually) whatever life throws at us – and throw at us it WILL (guaranteed).

My philosophy is a bit boot camp-ish. I can’t sugar coat the truth. And if my readers don’t want to hear about (much less act on) the simple steps I outline in my Hello Gorgeous Retreat program – they are missing out on what could be the biggest wellness gift of a lifetime. I’m a tough coach, but I am also a cheerleader: Tough because I care more about your health than you liking me, and a cheerleader because I will inspire you if it’s the last thing I do.

I chose to create the Hello Gorgeous retreat program (in the lap of gorgeous luxury on Miami Beach – so, it’s not too boot camp-ish) because I want face time with a group of willing victims! I want to see you, get to know you, look in your eyes, and have you know (at the core of your being), that you deserve to be taken care of.

Here’s the real deal: We’ve all tried numerous diets, fad, fitness programs etc that work SHORT term. I am not interested in wasting my time on anything that doesn’t have LASTING results. Life is way too short. And every year that goes by that I “should” myself (meditate, clean up my diet, lose a few more pounds etc), is a year where I’ve let resistance to my gloriousness get the better of me.

It’s time to tell resistance to eff-off! It’s time to step into our glory as fit, strong, energetic women with a purpose. It’s time to have a plan. Not a plan written with pretty crayons in my bullet journal, but a wellness plan that will radically change your life.

I believe that investing in my mental health and physical wellness is not a luxury, it’s an absolute necessity if I don’t want to end up on my own with way too many cats and physical issues.

So, I created my Hello Gorgeous Retreat program (with my BFF Melina, who is the UK’s premiere osteopath), as an offering for women like me, to do the same. I want every single woman on this retreat to walk away with a renewed sense of purpose, and a clear plan on how she’s going to navigate her days (nutritionally, physically, and mentally) moving forward.

The Hello Gorgeous Retreat is 13th-17th of January 2017, so kids are just back at school – PHEW. Work is calling, but so are the cells of my body that need help. Get ready to be filled with stunning plant-based meals, information, gorgeously green skin care goodies, yoga, fitness, and meditation galore. And more than anything… a renewed sense of I CAN!!!!!

I hope you can come.


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Sophie Uliano is New York Times best-selling author and leading expert in the field of natural health and beauty, who takes a down-to-earth approach to beauty focusing on what's truly healthy. Join my masterclass to get started.

